IN THE SPOTLIGHT: MDE to MDB Conversion Service
(also supports: ACCDE to ACCDB, ADE to ADP, etc)
IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Access Database Repair Service
An in-depth repair service for corrupt Microsoft Access files
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(courtesy of Crystal Long, Microsoft Access MVP)
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IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Code Protector
Standard compilation to MDE/ACCDE format is flawed and reversible.
Provided by Allen Browne
See the updated version of this article.
Access can display a record on screen, but if you edit it, your changes overwrite another record! This bug applies to Access 2, 95, 97, and 2000.
The underlying cause is Access misinterpreting a form's bookmark after a record has been deleted. The Bookmark is the primary mechanism for finding a record in a form programmatically, e.g. Using a Combo Box to Find Records.
At step 3, Access shows on screen the record that you sought. However, the edits at step 4 are written to the following record. If two records are deleted at step 2, the edits are written to two records after the one shown on screen. Clearly Access is mismatching the form's bookmark.
The bug occurs in a somewhat different set of circumstances in Access 2000. Microsoft has released a hotfix for this version. See knowledgebase article Q238134
The patch of Access 97 is included in Service Release 2. To guarantee you are not affected, take these steps:
No patch is available for Access 2 or 95.
For Microsoft's information about this bug in Access 2, 95, and 97, see ACC: Data Changes Are Saved to the Incorrect Record.
Requerying the form before using RecordsetClone will prevent the problem. This workaround is unsatisfactory:
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