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What, no record numbers?

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by Allen Browne, 20 April 2005    (for ALL VERSIONS of Access)

Microsoft Access Tips for xBase developers

Provided by Allen Browne, allenbrowne.com

What, no record numbers?

In xBase, record numbers are commonly used for the record count, to loop through records, or to jump back to a record after working with another. Discovering there is no equivalent in Access can be a conceptual hurdle, but the absence of record numbers is intentional. Strictly speaking, assigning a physical record number is not relationally correct, and interesting things can happen to record numbers in a multi-tasking environment.

There are two ways record-number addicts try to get around this in Access. The first is the AutoNumber type field (Counter in Access 1 and 2). While these at first appear similar, deleted AutoNumbers are not reassigned in the same way xBase reassigns record numbers, so the last number used will usually not be equal to the number of records. AutoNumber fields can be (and often are) used in referential lookups - an idea that would be disastrous with xBase record numbers. The other quasi-record number in Access is the number displayed in the bottom left of an open table, query, or form window, such as "Record 12 of 574". These numbers can be accessed if you have a good reason (see Numbering Entries in a Report or Form ), but please make sure you understand what not to do with them before you do so.

So how do you code without record numbers? This function demonstrates how to use the RecordCount property, how to loop through records, and how to save a bookmark to return to a record again later.

Function NoRecordNum ()
    ' Purpose: shows how to get around without record numbers.
    ' Modifications for Access 1.x noted in comments as "v.1:"

    Dim db As Database
    Dim Rst As Recordset     ' v.1: Rst as Table
    Dim NumRecords As Long
    Dim BM As String

    Set db = CurrentDB()     ' v.2: Set db = dbengine(0)(0)
    Set Rst = db.OpenRecordset("tblCustomers") ' v.1: db.OpenTable("tblCustomers")
    If Rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' Show record count, and loop backwards through records.
    NumRecords = Rst.RecordCount
    MsgBox NumRecords & " records."
    Do While Not Rst.BOF
        Debug.print Rst![ID]

    ' Use a bookmark to move back to a chosen record.
    Randomize Timer
    Rst.Move Rnd * NumRecords  'Skip to a random record
    BM = Rst.BookMark          'Save the bookmark
    Rst.MoveLast               'Move somewhere else
    Rst.BookMark = BM          'Back to previous place
    Set Rst = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    Debug.Print "Finished"
End Function

Please note that RecordCount contains:

  • zero if there are no records; the full record count, if the recordset is a "Table" type;
  • the number of records accessed so far in other cases (including SQLs).

Therefore, use the MoveLast method if you need to know the number of records in a recordset based on a query.

Bear in mind that you will loop through records far less often in Access. Wholesale changes are handled more efficiently by action queries (Delete, Update, Append, and MakeTable).

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