ref: ErrExCallStack

On this page you'll find:

Class Description


Property Get ProjectName() As String

Returns the name of the VBA project relating to this item in the callstack.

Property Get ModuleName() As String

Returns the name of the VBA module relating to this item in the callstack.

Property Get ProcedureName() As String

Returns the name of the VBA procedure name relating to this item in the callstack.

Property Get ProcedureIndex() As Long

Returns the ordinal number of the procedure relating to this item in the callstack.

Property Get LineNumber() As Long

Returns the line number of the currently executing code relating to this item in the callstack.

Property Get LineCode() As String

Returns the line of VBA sourcecode of the currently executing code relating to this item in the callstack.

Sub FirstLevel()

Points the callstack object at the top of the VB callstack.

Function NextLevel() As Boolean

Points the callstack object at the next callstack item.  Returns False when you've reached the end of the callstack chain.

Property Get VariablesInspector() As ErrExVariables

[Enterprise Edition] Returns an object for enumerating through the variables defined the procedure that this callstack item refers to.

Property Get CurrentBookmark() As Variant

{DEPRECATED} Returns the Bookmark value of the latest bookmark defined in this callstack procedure.  See Bookmarks documentation for further information.

Property Get HasActiveErrorHandler() As Boolean

Returns True if this procedure in the callstack has active local error handling (On Error Goto X or On Error Resume Next).

Property Get HasResumePoint() As Boolean

Returns True if this procedure in the callstack is currently handling an error.

Enumeration description: OnErrorStatus

OnErrorGoto0 = &H1
OnErrorResumeNext = &H2
OnErrorGotoLabel = &H3
OnErrorEnd = &H4
OnErrorDebug = &H5
CalledByLocalHandler = &H6
OnErrorRetry = &H7
OnErrorPropagate = &H8
OnErrorExitProcedure = &H9
OnErrorCatch = &Ha
OnErrorCatchAll = &Hb
OnErrorInsideCatch = &Hc
OnErrorInsideCatchAll = &Hd
OnErrorInsideFinally = &He
OnErrorPropagateCatch = &Hf
OnErrorPropagateCatchAll = &H10